Competition Administration
East Lothian Ladies’ County Golf Association will provide guidance and assistance with the administration of this competition and provide guidance on any rules matters, and participating Clubs will make all arrangements for matches.
An Organising Committee will oversee the competition and this Committee will comprise the Captain and Vice Captain of East Lothian Ladies’ County Golf Association and one representative from each of the participating Clubs. This Committee will meet annually (usually September) at which time any issues may be raised and draws for the season will take place.
The representatives have a vote on any matters relating to the conduct, structure and organization of the 5 a-sides. In the event of a tied vote the Captain of ELLCGA will have the casting vote.
These rules must be displayed within each participating Club so that they can be referred to at any time. All team Captains should ensure that all team members are aware of these rules and that they are adhered to.
The competition will comprise of Division 1 and Division 2.
Additional teams entering the tournament will be placed in Division 2 in the first instance.
Promotion and relegation will be determined by the number of teams participating at the beginning of each year.
Requests from Clubs for relegation will be treated on an individual basis.
Relegated and promoted teams will assume the positions of their opposite number with regard to matches for the next season.
Home and Away ties advantage will alternate from year to year.
New teams entering the competition will create the need for a new draw to be made.
1. 5 players per team.
2. Players must be members of an East Lothian Golf Club.
3. Players must nominate at the beginning of the season which East Lothian club they are going to play for, and can only play for one club.
4. Players who are members of other counties may take part, providing they comply with rules 2 and 3 above.
5. Clubs should encourage junior girls to play.
6. No handicap limits, but the matches will be in single format, played off scratch.
7. Each club must appoint an Acting Team Captain to take full responsibility on match days.
8. Where a club may have more than one team, players can only play for one team in that season - ie the first they played for, irrespective of Division.
1. It will be up to clubs to decide whether to play weekdays or weekends.
2. The challenging home club should offer 3 dates not all in the same week and must include at least 1 weekday and 1 weekend date. If no approach has been made by the Home Club to arrange the match by1st April, then home advantage will be lost.
3. Challenged clubs are expected to respond within 2 weeks of dates being received.
4. Times for matches can be anytime at weekends and after 5pm or later during the week.
5. All matches must be played before 31st August. Clubs should be flexible where possible if re-arrangement of matches needs to take place.
6. Once match dates have been arranged, details of said dates must be given to the Vice Captain of ELLCGA.
7. As a last resort Clubs must field at least three players rather than concede the whole match. Any conceded games will be deemed to have been lost by 5 & 4.
8. All games to be played off scratch.
9. Players must play in order of exact playing handicap, with lowest going off first.
10. Scoring. Win - 1 point. Halved match- 1/2 point. Loss-0 point.
11. If play has to be abandoned due to unplayable weather conditions any incomplete games will be cancelled and re-arranged as soon as possible.
12. The home team shall have the honour of the first Tee as they are the challengers.
13. Immediately before the match Acting Team Captains will exchange team cards. No alteration can be made to the team following the exchange of team cards.
14. If a player is delayed the matches should continue.
1. After completion of the match the official “Results Notification Sheet” should be completed and the winning team must arrange for the return of this sheet by post, or e-mail, to the Vice-Captain of ELLCGA within 3 days of the match date. Both Captains should keep a record of the results.
2. At the end of the season if 2 clubs have the same number of points then the team with the most games will win. In the event of a further tie holes up will win.
3. Results will be posted on the EELCGA website. Club Representatives are asked to print these off and post on their respective County notice boards.
4. The Dewar Trophy will be presented to the winners of the 1st Division and the Carol’s Trophy will be presented to the winners of the 2nd Division.
In Division 1 the team with the lowest points total will be relegated whilst the winning team in Division 2 will be promoted.
Distance Measuring Devices
A player may obtain distance information by using a device which measures distance only. If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect a player’s play (e.g. gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc) the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any additional unction is actually used.
Catering, recognised as a courtesy, is left to the discretion of individual Clubs. However, since most matches are played in the evening or over meal times, it is proposed that soup and sandwiches or similar nourishment should be provided.
The use of caddies is permitted
Breach of Rules
Any Club who commits an infringement of the Rules will be asked, in the first instance, to provide the Captain of ELLCGA with written reasons for the infringement.
All other clubs not directly involved with the infringement will be asked to make an informed judgement as to what sanction should. In their opinion, be invoked.
A Breach of the Rules could result in two games being deducted from the offending Club’s score at the end of the season.
Competition Season
Matches will be played between 1st April and 31st August.
[March 2013]